Saturday, November 16, 2013

Little rock nine (crr)

              B. The past few weeks we have been learning about the little rock nine. They were Nine black students who were going to an all white school. Trouble soon stirred when the white people decided that did not want to go to school with a bunch of "niggers".  The students were bullied and treated badly so that they can leave the school. The student did not feel that they were safe, so they were accompanied to school every morning. The fact that they had to be accompanied to school is just horrible.  In the article "crisis in little rock nine" of the students named Elizabeth Eckford had attended school one day not knowing that the other black students were not suppose to attend that day found herself surrounded by an angry crowed when she arrived at the school. A women named ms. lorch, a white women,  stood up for Elizabeth and told the mob that she was scared.  I respect ms. Lorch because even though is was white, she still defended the black girl.